
The Society’s Annual General Meeting will be held on

Tuesday 23rd April 2024 at 7:30 pm.

The meeting will take place at the Old Library (formerly the Red Cross Hall), Pioneer Village, Silverdale. Members unable to attend in person may join the meeting by Zoom. A link to join the meeting will be e-mailed to those members for whom we hold a current e-mail address.


  1. Welcome
  2. Minutes of the 2023 AGM (download Minutes)
  3. Matters arising from the 2023 AGM minutes
  4. Financial report (download accounts)
  5. Chairperson’s annual report (download Chair’s report)
  6. Election of officers and committee members *
  7. Subscriptions for 2024/25 year (no change recommended)
  8. Any other business

*The officers of the Society comprise the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary, and the constitution requires at least two other committee members. Nominations for all of these positions will be accepted by mail (or email), to be received by the Secretary at PO Box 100132 North Shore, Auckland 0745, by Friday 26th May. Nominations may also be accepted from members attending the meeting. All nominees, proposers and seconders must be current financial members of the Society.

AGM 2023

The Society’s Annual General Meeting

will be held on Tuesday 30th May 2023 at 7:30 pm

The meeting will take place at the Old Library (formerly the Red Cross Hall), Pioneer Village, Silverdale. Members unable to attend in person may join the meeting by Zoom. A link to join the meeting will be e-mailed to those members for whom we hold a current e-mail address.


  1. Welcome
  2. Minutes of the 2022 AGM (download Minutes)
  3. Matters arising from the 2022 AGM minutes
  4. Financial report (download Financial Report)
  5. Chairperson’s annual report (download Chair’s report)
  6. Election of officers and committee members *
  7. Subscriptions for 2023/24 year (no change recommended)
  8. Any other business

*The officers of the Society comprise the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary, and the constitution requires at least two other committee members. Nominations for all of these positions will be accepted by mail (or email), to be received by the Secretary at PO Box 100132 North Shore, Auckland 0745, by Friday 26th May. Nominations may also be accepted from members attending the meeting. All nominees, proposers and seconders must be current financial members of the Society.

AGM 2022

The Society’s Annual General Meeting

will be held on Tuesday 24th May, 2022 at 7:30 pm

The meeting will take place at the Old Library (formerly the Red Cross Hall), Pioneer Village, Silverdale. Alternatively, members have been e-mailed a link to join the meeting by Zoom.


  1. Welcome
  2. Minutes of the 2021 AGM
  3. Matters arising from the 2021 AGM minutes
  4. Financial Report (see Chairperson’s Report webpage)
  5. Chairperson’s Annual Report (see Chairperson’s Report webpage)
  6. Election of officers and committee members *
  7. Subscriptions for 2022/23 year (no change recommended)
  8. Any other business

*The officers of the Society comprise the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary, and the Constitution requires at least two other committee members. Nominations for all these positions will be accepted by mail, to be received by the Secretary at PO Box 100132 North Shore, Auckland 0745, by Friday 20th May. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor of the meeting. All nominees, proposers and seconders must be financial members of the Society.

July workday

A party of nine had a pleasant crossing and easy landing on Sunday morning. After the usual introductions and safety talk we split into work groups and made good progress with the tasks for the day.

Overhanging vegetation was removed from the rear of the shade house where the new cabins will be located.

This part of the shade house will be modified to locate the new cabins

Colin Cordes and his helpers removed the old weed mat from two shade houses and replaced it with new. This is part of the work needed to re-instate the nursery operation which we intend will commence when Vonny returns in September.

Karin stops off to admire the work as the team secure new weed mat

Other tasks included investigations into the sound system at the new site we are hoping diving petrels will adopt. After much tooing and froing it appears that the control box has a fault and that we need new speakers.

Kay Milton made a number of transect counts of birds as part of the fieldwork for a new national bird atlas of New Zealand while Chris Green continued his search for wētāpunga to collect DNA samples.

Sausage sizzle time

We finished the day with a few small tasks and then made a quick check of some penguin boxes. It’s great to see them back. There was also evidence of fluttering shearwaters attending some of their boxes, four gannets have taken up residence at their site near the north end and five NZ dotterel were present between Home and Macrocarpa Bays.

Fund raising for new accommodation under way

Work is well underway to purchase and install two new cabins which will provide dedicated overnight accommodation for our members and volunteers. The cabins will be located in the rear standing out area of the nursery which will be modified to suit.

New cabin

Funding for one of the cabins has been provided by a generous grant from the Becroft Foundation. We have also had a wonderful offer of dollar for dollar funding from one of our long-term members up to a total of $5,000. So if we can raise a matching amount that will be a total of $10,000 which will be enough to allow us to go ahead with the purchase.

Members and friends have received an e-mail appeal for donations but if you haven’t been contacted and would like to help please get in touch via