MRS Membership & Support

Please support the Motuora Restoration Society

In the 1990s when The Motuora Restoration Society was established the Committee expressed their hopes for the future as:

It is our dream that future generations will enjoy a forest alive with native birds, reptiles and insects.

As you can see from the above 2015 satelite image, native bush now cloaks Motuora. This remarkable transformation of Motuora from farm to a treasured bush clad island and a developing sanctuary for native birds, insects, reptiles and plants depends on the volunteer and financial support of members and friends of the Motuora Restoration Society.

The Motuora Restoration Society depends on members and friends to help us protect and continue our dream for Motuora by assisting with on-going weeding, growing plants from seed, infill and canopy tree planting, track clearance and the specialised tasks associated with seabird, reptile and wetapunga translocation. So we still require people to volunteer for our workday trips to Motuora.

So please join our workdays if you can.

But we also need funds to pay for species translocations, boat trips to Motuora, weeding of cliff site, potting mix and tools for track clearing etc. So please renew your membership of Motuora or become a new member or make a donation.


You can renew your MRS membership on-line by paying into our bank account but please complete the Particulars and Reference details as listed so we know to whom to send receipts.
IF PAYING BY CHEQUE please make cheque payable to  Motuora Restoration Society and post with your contact details to:

Membership Secretary, Motuora Restoration Society (Inc.)
PO Box 100-132, NSMC, Auckland 0745
Subscription        $______($25 full or $5 student)
Donation             $______
Total Enclosed:    $______

IF PAYING BY INTERNET BANKING please use the Motuora Restoration Society Account Number: 02-0480-0126517-00 and include following details:

Particulars:  Your family name or Organisation Name

Code:          SUB    for membership

DON    for Donation

SUBD     for Membership & Donation

STU    for Student Membership

Reference: Your current Membership ID if known from a recent e-mail.
AND PLEASE e-mail: for receipt if you use Internet Banking.

 Please note the mrsadmin e-mail is temporarily out of action as we are moving our website to another host.

This is what Motuora looked like last century:

 And here is a beautiful image of Motuora taken in 2012 by Toby Shanley when he and his partner Sian Potier were managing Motuora for MRS.

So please continue to help us protect and nurture Motuora.

Bruce Ross, Membership Secretary