AGM Motuora Restoration Society


The Motuora Restoration Society’s Annual General Meeting 

will be held on Tuesday 28th May at 7:00 p.m. 

at the Old Library (formerly Red Cross Hall), Pioneer Village, Silverdale


1. Minutes of the 2018 AGM

2. Matters arising from the Minutes

3. Financial Report

4. Chairperson’s Annual Report

5. Election of Officers and Committee Members*

6. Subscriptions for the 2019/2020 year

7. Any other Business

*The officers of the Society comprise the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary, and the Constitution calls for at least two other committee members.  Nominations for all these positions will be accepted by mail, to be received by the Secretary at PO Box 100132 North Shore, North Shore City 0745, by Thursday 23 May 2019.  Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the meeting.  All nominees, proposers and seconders must be financial members of the Society.