In March this year Simon Chamberlin arranged for Angie Cole to take some aerial photos of Motuora. Simon’s parents farmed Motuora prior to its purchase by the Government in the early 1960s and he served on the Motuora Restoration Society Committee for many years so he is keen to see and have a record of the restoration work that MRS has overseen since he can no longer visit Motuora.
In 2004 Ray Lowe took the following photo of Motuora. It still looked like a farm but you can see some the plantings of 1998-2002 at the southern end (top of photo) and a sprayed area for the 2004 planting at the northern end of Motuora. Compare this image to those that follow.
Here is a similar view of Motuora taken by Toby Shanley in 2012:
And Motuora in 2015 as seen in Apple Maps:
Angie Cole’s photos taken in March 2015 provide a closer aerial perspective of Motuora.
- Looking North from Pa site. Home Bay to left of open area:
- Looking North with a view of Home Bay to the Northern tip of Motuora:
- Looking south west at 1998 and 2003 plantings. Note the density of the pioneer forest:
- Home Bay showing nursery, potting shed, manager’s residence and solar panels:
- Looking across Motuora to Home Bay:
- Looking NE across Motuora. Home Bay to right out of picture: