The Motuora Restoration Society respects our members’ right to privacy. We have policies and procedures to ensure that all personal information, no matter how or where it is obtained, is handled sensitively, securely, and in accordance with New Zealand Privacy Law.
What personal information do we collect and store?
Privacy law requires us to collect personal information about you only if it is reasonable and practical to do so. We manage our membership subscriptions using a Cloud based membership management system which enables us to communicate with members of the Motuora Restoration Society. Thus we keep personal details such as your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address on a secure server. These details are used for mailing newsletters, contacting members about planting trips and identifying members who have specific skills that individuals or groups have offered as useful to the Society’s role in managing the restoration and conservation of flora and fauna on Motuora. The Motuora Restoration Society will not sell, lease or disclose your personal details and takes measures to ensure your personal information is protected from unauthorised access, loss, misuse, disclosure or alteration. We also take measures to destroy personal information when it is no longer required.
Generally, you have no obligation to provide any information requested by us. If you choose to withhold requested information however, we may not be able to provide you with the membership services that depend on the collection of that information.
How is your personal information used?
Your personal information is used to communicate with members by e-mail, post or telephone, to send newsletters, contact members about specific events organised by or for the Motuora Restoration Society such as Island workday trips, meetings, and species translocation work. We may also use your personal information in other ways to provide you with better access to our website and utilization of the facilities on Motuora.
We do not sell, lease or disclose your personal details to any other organisation except when required to do so in accordance with New Zealand law.
Access to your personal information
We will provide you with access to any of your personal information that we hold. All membersĀ can access their personal details on request from the Motuora Restoration Society. In addition we send a copy of the contact details we hold in our database when we send out renewal e-mails and letters so you can update them or have them removed.
If you do not have an e-mail account you can write to the Membership Secretary, Motuora Restoration Society, PO Box 100-132, NSMC, Auckland 0745 and request access to your personal information.
More information
More information about Privacy law in New Zealand is available from the New Zealand Law Commission